Around 1000 higher education institutions and Member States representatives gathered to call for the implementation of the European degree

- Final report on Erasmus+ policy experimentation projects
- Around 1000 higher education institutions and Member States representatives gathered to call for the implementation of the European degree
- Etikéta participates in FOCI Policy Workshop in Lithuania
- Etiketa important milestone achieved
- 13th September - First Outcomes and Future Directions

What is ETIKETA?
ETIKETA is an Erasmus+ policy experimentation pilot project for purposing a joint European degree label promoted by DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture - Unit B1 Higher Education.
As a pilot project ETIKETA will promote the design and test of transnational cooperation instruments based on proposed co-created European criteria, for the delivery of a joint European degree label for joint transnational higher education programmes.

ETIKETA builds on the experience in promoting the European University FilmEU and several existing joint degrees led by Higher Education institutions (HEIs) involved in this and in other Alliances and integrates several national authorities and stakeholders, in view of testing and developing a label for European joint degrees that recognises the value of these innovative transnational learning experiences and increases the visibility, attractiveness, and reputation of joint programmes provided by alliances of European HEIs, both in Europe and beyond.

How we will build the ETIKETA Label?
ETIKETA includes several research and design stages, amidst moments of joint reflection and public sharing of results, in order to ensure the production of outcomes of the proposed pilot that will facilitate the delivery of a joint European degree label and the provision of joint degrees by European HEIs.
ETIKETA builds on past solid experience in this domain and an innovative concept and methodology to attain outcomes that will facilitate and promote the future provision of European Joint Degrees.
Mission and Vision
Examine and test the common set of co-created European criteria by applying them to existing joint programmes already offered by the Consortium
Bring together several well-established EMJM and jointly working on the co-design of joint BA and PhD with the objective of conducting a pilot that will facilitate the joint delivery of an European joint degrees.
Promote the design and test of a template for the future European label for joint degrees, physical and digital format
Produce guidelines and recommendations based on the results of the tests
Issue and award the first set of a joint European degree label to students currently enrolled in programmes offered by the Alliance
Promote and conduct joint reflection, in cooperation with relevant national and regional authorities covering all EUROVOC regions, as well as other stakeholders on the optimization of the proposed set of criteria
Implement a robust communication and dissemination plan that will include the issue and delivery of a joint European degree label certificate
Joint Educational Offer
The full partner HEIs have significant experience of delivering Joint Transnational Programmes including European Joint Masters Erasmus Mundus: Docnomads, Kino Eyes, Re:Anima and the recently approved Re_Play and 3 Joint masters under development: FilmMemory, ReSound and FACT.
Partners & People
- All
- Aalto
- EQ-arts
- Education and Youth Board
- LUCA School of Arts
- Lusófona University
- Tallin University
Orlanda Tavares
Sónia Cardoso
Mapping, Optimisation & Evaluation
- Using the conceptual model “Planning for Uncertainty (PU)” WP2 will undertake a screening and mapping exercise of existing and proposed joint educational offers at EFQ 6, 7 and 8, benchmarking against the criteria and comparing with other educational labels and badges to assess the relevance of the proposed criteria for establishing a label which acknowledges the European and transnational experiences in a joint transnational programme leading to a higher education qualification.
- Using design and entrepreneurial thinking all stakeholders will co-create and finalise the optimisation of the joint criteria and evaluate guidelines for the provision of transnational joint degrees maximising the attractiveness and potential impact of such a label and explore the personas of future recipients of the proposed degree label and examine extreme, but plausible scenarios jointly defined by all partners.
- With the relevant national, regional and/or institutional authorities, and including the importance of flexibility in finding the best strategic alternatives for the label's future implementation, we discern the best viable option for the eventual implementation of a label for joint degrees. We then recommend an e-template that sets out the optimised criteria required for joint degrees, elaborating its compliance, security and compatibility with current and future digital technologies, forming the basis of WP3’s work.
Developing and Testing the EU Label
- To create a standardised self-evaluation method and format via which to assess the joint programmes, potentially leading to the awarding of the joint programmes with the quality label.
- To create a standardised template for external evaluators (national quality agencies and accreditation organisations) to aid the process of an independent evaluation of the joint programmes, potentially leading to the awarding of the joint programmes with the quality label.
- Assess the self-evaluation and external evaluation processes of the joint programmes.
- Design a template for issuing the European Degree Label and create the availability for its implementation in both physical and digital form (leading to the use of blockchain technology and creating connectivity with the IT systems of the different HEIs).
Delivery and Future Directions
- It will become apparent for all actors, students, staff, institutes and national and international agencies how a joint european degree label embodies an even stronger cohesion between the participating HEI, and between the several HEI and the professional and scholarly communities.
- During dedicated and already embedded events such as graduation shows and award ceremonies (KinoEyes, DocNomads, Re:anima) the joint European degree label will gain clarity and provide an overarching quality hallmark for graduates and their degrees, within the different fields of expertise of Film and Media arts.
- At the same time, within this phase, we will also deliver clear guidelines for the proposal and with the label already implemented in the joint degrees, guidelines for a Joint Degree as the next step foreseen in the call.
Achievements and Outputs
Publication of Reports and major deliverables when public.
Communication and Dissemination Action Plan
Data Quality Management Regulation
Etikéta Media

Sandra Rocha

Margarida Santos