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During a conference on a blueprint for a European degree on 29 April in Brussels, which brought together more than 1000 participants – both in person and online -, higher education institutions from all across the EU have called on the European Commission, Member States and the wider higher education sector to take the next steps to make the blueprint for a European degree a reality. They stressed the need for strong coordination between Member States, legislative changes and sufficient funding at European, national and regional level for what promises to reshape the landscape of higher education across the continent.

On 31st May 2023, the partners, stakeholders and a group of joint degree students participated in a hybrid Etikéta Focus Group on Future Models for European Degrees.

On 7th June 2023, ETIKETA hosted the 2nd workshop The DIGITAL Format for the EU Label with Alex Grech and Dominik Beron as special guests.

On 13th September, the Etikéta team will present the first draft of the Digital Label.

Etikéta team presented some first drafts for the visual identity of the Digital Label, marking a significant milestone in our journey. We delved deep into critical discussions, including Policy Experimentation Alliances & QA Agencies Round Table, and Setting the Future with a Common Strategic Vision for Joint European Degrees. Stay informed and engaged by visiting the Etiketa website for the latest updates and insights. Together, we've shaped the future of European education.
On 26 October 2023, the Etikéta team participated in the FOCI Policy Workshop organized at Kaunas University of Technology in Kaunas, Lithuania. The event's main purpose was to bring together different stakeholders to kick off the policy recommendation development phase of the FOCI project. The workshop engaged in critical reflection on key issues related to the purpose and scope of the European Degree Label and the European Degree. We discussed the appropriateness of the proposed European degree label criteria and identified legal, administrative, and procedural pathways for issuing a common European degree label. The exchange of perspectives provided invaluable input to the ongoing discussions on the concept of the European degree label.